Aging is an inevitable thing for everybody. This phenomenon is occurring with each second that passes by. Lots of people would want to slow the procedure down or to stop this. Many would think of ways to get their hands on something that reverses or stops aging and works.The failure of most companies is due to undercapitalization. Nancy expenses a
Over Eating And Pot Smoking May Cure Nation's Health Care Ills
I am at a hotel in Venice Beach, CA, where roughly 18 moto-journalists from throughout the world are gathering in preparation for a California tour that my contact characterized as a"tour of a lifetime." I'm certainly honored to be one of the 18.No 2 ways about it; Michael's job is to make the streets safer. To take the drivers off the roads and h
Beware Of M.M.C.S. (Medical Marijuana Cultivation Syndrome)
Those seven words were spoken in a similar fashion to:"I had fish for lunch." , or, "I am going on vacation." It was quite matter of fact. What else was it that I heard in her voice?Most of us, of course, don't have the money to buy a thousand of anything at ten bucks a throw much less a thousand combinations of "0's" and "1's" that have to be rep